Home Improvement

The Top Fall Interior Design Trends

Even in Los Angeles, the change of the seasons is noticeable in everything from cooler temperatures to shorter days and the changes in the vegetation. Patterns in daily lives change, too, as school begins again and new projects are undertaken. For interior designers in Los Angeles the questions circle around what are the latest trends this time around, and how can they be used to create novel forms of beauty and comfort.

Here are a few hot items that interior designers Los Angeles will use this autumn in homes, lofts and living spaces throughout southern California.

  • Plush Fabrics. Everyone is looking for some cozy comfort with the coming of the longer nights. Velvet adds color and texture to a room, as well as a bit of flamboyance at a time it is needed most. Leather has its place, too, and can easily be incorporated into a room with vintage chairs and other accessories.
  • House Plants. An easy way to change the look of any home is to bring in the colors of the outside and to make contact with the natural world. Less trouble to take care of than a pet, eucalyptus branches and other seasonal plants in earthy containers are a great way to decorate a lackluster entryway or hallway.
  • Green Hues.Last year okra was hot, while this year interior design firms Los Angeles are taking a close look at other non-glossy greens. Green enamel bistro tables with stainless steel trim, rattan side chairs of forest green and wool rugs of green and white may be the accessories of choice this season. Other options include creative tableware, plates and bowlsto accent the dining room.

The catchwords for the season are eclectic and savvy. That is, eclectic design that tries out new things, and savvy consumers that are more educated and opinionated than in the recent past. Interior designers Los Angeles can meet the challenges of the season.