• Health

    What is lipid profile test? Why it is done?

    Lipid profile test is that group of blood tests which helps to screen the abnormality in the lipid-like cholesterol, triglycerides, serum Phospholipids, etc. Indeed, there are various components of this test. The test is an effective way to map or screen the amount of lipid in the bloodstream. The panel of blood test can also help to identify generic diseases and the possibility of someone suffering from pancreatitis and cardiovascular diseases in the near future. It is the test which is prescribed by the physician along with general physical examination, additional tests like Basic Metabolic Panel or BMP, Complete Blood Count or CBC.

    What is lipid?

    Lipid is that substance which constitutes hydrocarbons. Lipid along with protein, carb and nucleic acid makes up 4 biological elements that help in carrying out the day to day bodily functions. If any of the components mainly cholesterol increases in the bloodstream, it will result in critical conditions or disorders like stroke, cardiac arrest, and Coronary Artery Disease. You may be asked to undergo lipid test with routine health checkup or examination to find potential abnormalities such as the increase in the level of bad cholesterol or any other life-threatening medical condition.

    What type of test preparation is required?

    Unlike random blood sugar test where no preparation is needed, in the lipid test, some preparation is required. The person undergoing the test will be given instruction by the physician at the clinic. You may be asked by the doctor or lab professional not to eat anything in the morning and take the test on an empty stomach. You are not supposed to eat anything solid before 8-10 hours of the test. Don’t drink alcohol or eat fatty food during the fasting phase. If the report reads the abnormal level of cholesterol, triglyceride and other components, you will be prescribed a proper treatment mode or plan to regain the normal levels. When it comes to the treatment, it may involve the use of medicines, following a strict diet and involving in exercises.

    The various components of this test

    The test measures various components. They are as follows:

    • HDL cholesterol ratio
    • Serum HDL Cholesterol
    • Total lipids
    • Serum Total Cholesterol
    • Electrophoretic fractionation
    • Total Cholesterol

    You must know that each of the components mentioned above has their normal set range. Different diagnostic centers make use of different techniques for evaluation. Also known as the cholesterol test, it is mostly prescribed to find out the amount of good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Cholesterol refers to soft and waxy fat which is required by the body to function properly. If the cholesterol level moves beyond the normal range, there can be the stroke, heart disease or atherosclerosis.

    Who should undergo the test?

    The ones who have the family history of heart diseases and high level of cholesterol, they need to undergo the test. If you are overweight or obese, the doctor will ask you for the test. People who smoke, drink and lead the inactive lifestyle, they are prescribed the test even more.

    People with heart diseases must be careful about their diet and should undergo cholesterol test at regular intervals. If one has difficulty breathing due to lower levels of oxygen in the blood, the doctor prescribes an oxygen concentrator.