• Technology

    Significant Factors to Look Upon When Selecting a Cheap Dedicated Server

    If you have landed on this page, we assume you already know the benefits of dedicated servers on the shared hosting server. However, when it comes to taking a decision, a lot of factors need to be considered before you finally settle for one. Cost is one of the primary concerns when you plan to host your websites on a dedicated server. This is when you start looking for cheaper options available in the market. You’ll have a wide range of options for service providers in India. So, there is no dearth of cheap dedicated server providers in the country.

    Taking care of a few significant things before deciding will make sure that even if you are going for an affordable dedicated server in the market, you are not compromising on the quality of services. This is highly important so that you do not have to face any unwanted and unexpected hurdles in the development and execution of your online projects.

    Quality of the Hardware

    It is essential to pay for something that is worthy whether you’re choosing the server at the hefty or affordable price. Same stands true for a dedicated server too. Make sure you check the quality of the hardware. You must not pay for a bunch of components that have been assembled together in a revived chassis. You can ensure the hardware quality of dedicated servers with enterprise-grade HDDs or even SSDs. You can be sure of the quality of your dedicated server if you go for branded servers like HP, Dell or Super Micro. Brand may not always mean paying more for a product. However, even if the product is a little higher than what you expect, it is not expensive but cost-effective rather.

    A good quality hardware also ensures that you do not have to invest on unexpected after purchase costs. So, this, in turn, leads to a cost-effective resource leverage.

    Support and Assistance

    Whether it is cheap or higher in price, every dedicated hosting provider offers support at every various level. The quality of support may vary but it is surely there for you.  Here are a few things you must check when it comes to customer support by the provider. You should enquire about various cases, the support will be extended to you. What support will be offered in case of a problem? Will it be throughs support ticket, on call or just a Live Chat? Is the support available round the clock? What is the turnaround time for the ticket you have raised? Is there a human team to help you at every step or are they just robots taking your issues up?

    You can send a few questions before you finally decide on one of the providers to check the support system of the provider. This will give you an idea of the turnaround speed along with how helpful is the support for your business.

    Replacement Guarantees of Hardware like SLAs etc.

    Guarantees are offered to the hosting providers by the data centers and that’s how you’ll get it from the providers. The guarantees ideally mean that the hardware offered to you by the hosting provider will be replaced within a specified time frame in case of any problem or urgency.

    If you start researching and comparing the various hosting providers offering dedicated servers, you will observe that those selling cheap dedicated servers have longer Service Level Agreements to replace the hardware like corrupted HDDs, as compared to their rather expensive competitors in the market. So it is highly important to check this essential service with the provider so that you do not fall prey to a disastrous situation when you need the replacement the most and might not have the service agreement.

    So, ensure that you are being offered this basic service if you are relying on an affordable dedicated server hosting provider in your city.