
Is This The Right Time To Sell Your Gold Nuggets

Everyone scrambles for gold when there is some sort of economic or geopolitical upheaval and we have experienced such upheavals for some years now with 2017-2018 being the most volatile period in recent history. Central banks are stockpiling, billionaires, money managers and ordinary folks are caught in the mad quasi- gold rush. It is not just gold that is extracted from the mines that people are hungry for, people have begun hunting for gold in the Australian outback with unprecedented fever. Those who have been at it with their metal detectors and managed to collect a few pieces over the years are now considering if this could be the right time to sell gold nuggets Brisbane.

There are people who believe the price of gold is not rising as fast as it should, that it is reaching a point where it will stagnate. Some analysts believe that the price of gold will continue to grow as it has been since 2016. One problem that the gold industry is facing is the availability of gold in the bedrock. Miners are beginning to talk of a threshold, mining companies are being forced to shut down because of low outputs and there seems to be less effort put into prospecting. This situation has brought about an increase in “weekend gold hunters,” people who go out with all sorts of metal detectors sweeping the ground in the hopes of finding a nugget or two. This is the time when everyone who can make money from gold should start cashing in.

You’ve probably seen the adverts that way “we buy old gold” all over the place. Gold buyers willing to buy this precious metal are springing up everywhere and they buy everything from really old gold to broken, damaged gold jewellery. These are the people you should be talking to if you want to sell gold nuggets Brisbane.

Why sell now?

The value of gold has reached high levels thanks to the fallout over Brexit, the U.S pulling out of the Iran deal and the Paris Accord. The U.S which pretty much dictates how world economies behave has not been the most stable country since the election of Donald Trump as president. He has antagonised China, destabilised the Turkish Lira, froze Venezuela out and stood watching as the economy seesawed because of the uncertainty of internal politics. All this affects fiat currencies like the dollar. All this instability has affected the gold market in a positive way. Investors have subsequently been buying gold. Although nuggets are extremely rare and cannot fill the gap that raw gold and recycled gold leave, they are sought after by customers who buy them for their rarity and those that buy them only to melt them down. Either way, there is always someone looking to buy gold nuggets from you.

Right opportunity to sell?


When it comes to gold economic volatility and uncertainty the value of gold is very important. No one really knows the full extent of the impact that Brexit will make. No one knows exactly how the trade wars will play out. Even though the American government may sit down with the Chinese to find some common ground, the impact of it all hasn’t been fully realised. The more we continue to avoid countries like Venezuela the more unstable it will become. The tension in the United States, the contention over the “border wall” is likely to drag on. It does not feel like things will settle down anytime soon. Bad news for the economy, good news for those who have gold.

In 2016, no one thought that the value of gold could go as high as $1,300 but it did. Gold continues to surprise regardless of dwindling global supplies. No one thought there would be gold nuggets still to be found in the Australian outback, but a few significant specimens have been found. Metal detector sales rose over the last couple of years. They have also become more sophisticated and designed to make finding gold easy. You have a better chance of stumbling upon a gold nugget in Western Australia than you have at winning the lottery. If the price of gold stagnates from here on, those who sell gold nuggets now will have played the market perfectly.