
Easily explained: Why do people get tattoos?

People had tattoos as early as the Stone Age. They wanted to beautify their bodies and show that they belong to a certain group. Later on, the Romans used the art of tattooing to mark slaves and criminals. Nowadays a lot of people have tattoos. For example, you might want to cover a scar or remember an important event in your life. Sometimes they just find it chic and modern.

You can get a 타투 anywhere. One says “let it pierce” because the ink for the tattoo is pierced into the skin with needles. That hurts a lot and leaves a wound that takes a month or so to heal. Many dermatologists advise against tattoos because the color can be harmful and difficult to remove. It looks the same even after a day in the swimming pool. In addition, there can be allergies to the tattoo color – even with painted henna tattoos. This can happen when the actually harmless henna color is mixed with other dyes to achieve a darker color.

Unloved tattoos

Some people no longer want their tattoo, for example because it no longer looks good. Or because they don’t like the sign anymore. They’d be happy if they could just wash it off. But unfortunately that is not possible. Only professionals can slowly make a tattoo disappear. To do this, they use a laser that breaks the dye under the skin into very small particles. These small particles disappear from the body via the lymph vessels that, for example, carry our blood away. If this is not done correctly, there may be a wound or scar. In addition, these treatments are painful and often much more expensive than the actual tattoo.


Tattoos on animals

Animals are also tattooed. For example, you can have a number tattooed in your dog’s ear. That’s pretty clever. Because if the dog runs away or is stolen, the number can be used to find out the owner. In that case, a tattoo comes in handy.

Complications in healing

The piercing with the tattoo needle inevitably causes an injury to the skin. Most can expect the resulting pain. However, many do not realize that every injury also leads to a healing process. And the healing of the skin doesn’t always go as smoothly as you would like it to be. Regardless of whether it is a scrape, a cut or a needle injury from tattooing: Complications, from longer-than-usual reddening and swelling to stubborn inflammation, anything is possible. People with diabetes, immune deficiency, heart defects, a tendency to bleed and skin diseases such as neurodermatitis are at an increased risk of complications. These people should do without a tattoo altogether.