

There has been a paradigm shift in the methods of doing business around the world, due to the advent of the internet and its connected services. The markets have become highly disruptive in nature due to social media or mobile applications. Customers are looking for a different kind of purchasing experience, where they can connect with their brand more. This is brought about by a digital Darwinism, which is a steady technological evolution based on the evolving customer preferences. However, it has to be noted that this era of change is at a much faster rate than the absorption capability of the business houses. This demands a new technology leadership in the form of total digital transformation of the business. When this digital transformation is carried out in a professional manner then, it will surely impact the total business ecosystem positively.

The real need for digital transformation

It has been observed from various surveys that those organizations opting to transform their digital capabilities have reaped more benefit from their strategic business assets. This has helped these business houses to attain higher market valuation and in the process achieve organize growth. Although technology is boon for any organization, it can become problematic if not managed properly. Therefore, organizations do need a technology partner, who can understand fully the specific requirements of the business. The technology partner should be able to deliver solutions which are easy to implement and shows measurable results. The trick is to conduct a detailed system requirement study and come out with solutions which are best fitted accordingly. It is necessary for the technology partner to enhance the digital maturity of the organization through digital transformation. It is also the ultimate answer to the impact of disruptive technologies on the purchasing pattern.

In today’s challenging market conditions, business houses are doing a lot of reverse engineering, to gain market penetration. It helps to improve customer relationship by adding value to the product and services sold by the organization. The main aim is to incorporate newer business models which have the potential to eradicate all the bottlenecks of operations, by mapping the past customer experience. Investment in digital transformation is important to learn deeply about the ever-changing consumer behavior, along with their constantly shifting preferences. It is necessary to have capabilities, which helps in analyzing frequent customer touch points and establish newer channels of customer engagement.

Also Read: Digital Transformation and its Promises: A Reality Check

Some advantages of digital transformation

Increase capability to acquire a new customer-

Business houses tend to lose a customer at a steady pace by following their legacy marketing practices. Therefore, it is necessary to evolve into a more mobility based system with advanced data analytics. This will ensure wider reach to the online market place and in the process capture critical customer data. This will lead to newer customer engagement methods which are highly feasible.

Lubricating business operations

Digital transformation is the best way to address the bottlenecks of business operations. It helps in enhancing the interdepartmental communication systems, which in turn increases the real-time information exchange, between various stakeholders of the business. Increased communication leads to better business landscape visibility, leading to accurate forecasting of business macros. Effective mobility management is defined by its operating characteristics in multiple platforms and multiple operating systems. With policies like BYOD (bring your own device), organizations are really digitally transforming their business operations.

Increase in the business horizon

It is very easy now to increase business operation beyond high seas, with the help of digital transformation techniques, like cloud-based technologies. Future cloud-based technologies will be based on public cloud infrastructure. Therefore, the need of the hour is a technology partner who would be able to design cloud-based applications. Then again the possession of SaaS (software as a service) capabilities, will lead to multi-tenant architecture along with hybrid cloud architecture.

Increasing management capabilities

To increase business capabilities it is important to empower the capabilities of the management. The main goal is to align the business according to the set vision by assimilating information from every corner of the business. Management should have the proper tools to work with, like informative graphs, charts, and reports. A good digitally transformed report can bring out hairline discrepancies, on which corrective action can be taken easily. Digital transformation empowers the organization with advanced predictive models and in the process gathers detailed business information.

Author Bio:

I’m Akanksha Singh a Tech Enthusiast & Technical Content Writer. I write technological topics like Digital Transformation, Iot, Cloud Computing, Big Data etc.. I have completed Master of Communication and Journalism from the Delhi University Campus and comes up with 8 plus years of experience in the field of writing. I’m also interested in reading, blogging and traveling.