
Coworking and the Pursuit of Productivity

Thailand’s diverse commercial real estate landscape offers businesses and professionals, alike, some interesting alternatives to leasing your standard office space. In addition to the standard serviced office and virtual office plans, the Thai coworking landscape has creatively crafted some fit-outs to rival the trendy enclaves leased by young professionals in Bangkok. More than just the uber-cool establishment fit out with your standard coffee bar or full-service café, the co-working outfits are beginning to develop a personality of their own.

Whether sharing space with an eclectic group of virtual nomads or setting up shop in a coworking space rivalling a tropical resort offering work, play and rest, Thailand’s coworking space landscape are kicking it up a gear. While the whole purpose of sharing space in this way is for productivity, Thailand’s twist on the co-working space offers a little bit of diversion and rest in between all of that hard work. In addition to Servcorp coworking spaces that dot the urban landscape, you can fit out your business with an amalgam of coworking spaces around the country.

Let’s take a look at just some ways that Thailand’s coworking landscape can help your business reach new levels of productivity and drive your business forward.

All-Inclusive Community

While typical coworking outfits fit out your business with a hot desk, dedicated desk or private office, some of the more experienced outfits are incorporating the idea of working while playing into the whole concept of productivity. In addition to the standard office set up, some coworking communities have set up accommodations for virtual nomads who make their living travelling around the world. These accommodations are relatively inexpensive and make the whole experience of co-working more pleasant. In addition to providing accommodations for this nomadic workforce, these outfits also make sure there is enough diversion during downtime.

In essence, these coworking fit outs bring new meaning to the term “all-inclusive” while completely transforming the co-working mission. The more popular standard co-working space still dominate the landscape, but for those businesses who rely heavily on travel to transact business, these spaces are ideal for you. Conversely, those who just need a place to work with an internet connection might find this just the atmosphere needed to motivate them to work.

Networking And Collaborating Communities

Your effort to drive productivity levels into the roof can actually be a whole lot easier by adopting this office format, as the co-working space almost primes the pump of social interaction. Just by virtue of the office’s set up, professionals from a diverse array of industries interact with one another daily. The dedicated desk, and ever-popular hot desk are the contact points for much informal networking. In fact, many of these conversations generate valuable information needed for your businesses to gain the competitive advantage, whether these conversations involve getting and giving referrals or meeting mentors.

Ultimately, both formal and informal networking opportunities are the foundation of the stuff that drives your business’s productivity. Not only because these conversations give you valuable information, but these conversations are the basis of collaboration. Ultimately, the fundamental goal of most coworking communities is to provide businesses with a platform to express their creativity, to build more connections, and to raise their business profile. The collaboration is one of the best ways to do this in a safe, nurturing atmosphere, which naturally promotes productivity.

Priming The Pump Of Productivity

Productivity is definitely a mission of the coworking space. However, the co-working space landscape around the world, especially in Thailand, has discovered that to promote productivity professionals have to be surrounded by a community as well. Taking this concept and providing a panoramic perspective of the typical professional’s work-life balance, Thailand’s co-working spaces have managed to promote productivity by adopting an all-inclusive mission.