
All you need to know while planning the Golden Tour package

India is a fascinating country with a diverse mix of many cultures, traditions, religion, and places. To travel around the country is not just the dream of any Indian, but also people living in various other countries. The simplistic beauty that India portrays through its architecture, food, people, and nature makes it every traveler’s go-to destination at least once in their lifetime. If you are a travel enthusiast and all you have been wanting is to slowly begin exploring the different cities of India, the best way to kick-start your dream is by choosing the right places, planning your budget and fitting as many cities as you can during your journey.

India’s golden triangle is one of the most famous tourist circuit connecting three cities in the North which are Agra, Jaipur and the capital city of India, Delhi. It is known by this name because when you connect these cities on the map, they form a triangular shape. The Golden Triangle tour can be an excellent option for you to travel and explore cities that have stories of the past hidden and exposed through the exquisite monuments, captivating culture and charismatic heritage present in these cities. Each city is known for its uniqueness and together is a perfect amalgam of age-old custom and modern developments.

The trips most often begin from Delhi, moves towards Agra and then enters the desert area of Jaipur. This trip can be done by traveling by train, bus or even flights. Due to the popularity of this tour, many options for transportation are very easily available. The course of this journey is 720 km, approximately by road. The distance between each city can be covered in 4-6 hours if you hit the road.  The overall trip can be thoroughly enjoyed if you decide to dedicate at least a week or two of your time and life to this tour. But even if you can afford to just take 4 or 5 days off, the high points of this journey can be covered making it a satisfying experience.

If you have allocated a week’s time to complete this trip with your family or friends, then there a few things to keep in mind before you start your journey.

  1. Dividing the time

Since this is a combined tour of three cities, try to not rush through the places you would like to visit. It is okay if you miss a few items in your itinerary as there is always a second or third time when you can visit them again. Divide your time in such a way that you at least cover the highlights of each city.

  1. Mode of travel

Calculate the time of travel along with the number of days that you have allotted for the trip. The fastest way to reach Delhi would be through the flight and after which you can travel by car, train or bus to the other destinations.

  1. Budget

This is the most important factor that you will have to keep in mind as this is a trip that will have you spending in various cities. Once your budget is set, always keep a track of how much you are spending in each city, especially if you are solo traveling. If you are going with other family members, then ensure that you have split your costs, accordingly.

  1. Making a plan

We all make one common mistake while on tours, which is to go with a flow. Being spontaneous is not a bad idea, as long as you have a basic structure. Since this tour consists of three locations, here are some distinct features of the cities that consist the Golden Tour package.

  • Delhi

Delhi is our national capital and is usually the first leg of your journey of the golden triangle. The city has developed over the years making it the centre for industrial, educational and economic growth. It blends traditionalism in the modernistic aura that the city is known for. You can assign two days of your time to visit important monuments such as The India Gate, Jama Masjid, QutubMinar, and Red Fort among others. Also, visit Old-Delhi to get a feel for the authentic culture which is followed there.  It is also the centre for binge eating, binge shopping, and sightseeing.

  • Agra

A trip to Agra is incomplete with visiting what it has been known for since the time of the Mughals, Shah Jahan’s memoir of his wife Mumtaaz, the famous TajMahal. Visit the place if you want to see a beautiful sunrise along with the monument creating a stunning view. There are other Mughal buildings that you can visit as well. Some of them are FatehpurSikri, Agra Fort and also the tomb of JW Hessing which was built resembling TajMahal by his wife. He dies trying to defend Agra fort from the clutches of the British.

  • Jaipur

The pink city of Rajasthan, Jaipur found its place as a city when it was founded by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, in 1772. It is also one of the very first planned city in India. You will see gardens, monuments, and hotels, all meticulously and planned and structured.  You have many places that you can visit for sightseeing that will easily take two to three days. Some of the places are HawaMahal, City Palace, Amber fort, etc. It is also the best place for women as it has many accessories and clothes which are colourful, attractive and incredibly hard to resist. You can spend one whole day on shopping as there are varieties of items in markets that are sure to attract your eye.

Overall, you can spend about 5 to 6 days and make it worth your time and money. These three cities are located close to each other making it easier to commute and also ensures safety if you are traveling in a bigger group. Choose a good package that will ensure a comfortable and relaxed stay.