

Many of us think about the planet and wonder how we can contribute to protecting it from harm. It’s something that’s on our minds quite often. Maybe we’ve even had discussions with friends and family, but those discussions didn’t lead us anywhere. One of the many reasons we might not be doing our part is because of the overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to start.

But don’t worry, this is a perfect guide to giveyou a little nudge in the right direction.

  1. Switch toReusable Bags

Sure, it’s very convenient to just grab a plastic bag from the register while grocery shopping, but did you know it takes about 1,000 years for plastic to decompose?Most plastic is not biodegradable, meaning it will never completely decay and just turn into smaller bits. This plastic sits in our landfills, our streets, playgrounds, our oceans, and harms our ocean life. Instead, opt for reusable bags the next time you take a trip to the grocery store. Reusable bags last for several years, hold a great deal of food, and some stores might even give you a discount just for using them!

  1. Keep Track ofEnergy Consumption

We’re all guilty of walking out of a room and forgetting to turn off the light. It might not seem like a big deal, but you’d be surprised at how much energy that is consuming.Lower the air conditioning when you might not need it as much and put on a warm coat or turn down heat when it may not be that necessary; this will not only save energy, it’ll save your wallet as well. For instance, a 100 watt bulb left on for 10 hours uses 12 cents worth of electricity.Small acts like turning off the TV when it’s not in use or other appliances goes a long way. Another great way to conserve energy while purchasing appliances is to look for the Energy Star label.

  1. Use WaterSensibly

Water is the most vital source of survival for all living beings, and it is used on a daily basis, from brushing our teeth, cooking, and bathing to even washing our cars. Educating ourselves on how to keep our limited stream of water pure and safe from pollution is our responsibility. A more conscioususe can help us save water, like turning off the faucet while brushing our teeth and only turning it on when we need to rinse, being mindful of the water usage while washing dishes, and maybe don’t throw away that pot of boiling pasta water. Instead, wait for it to cool down and use it to water some plants.

  1. Carpool Whenever Possible

How many times have we looked around during traffic to see hundreds of cars with just one passenger in them? Cars are responsible for the hazardous greenhouse gasses that are released into the atmosphere and cause a huge bulk of climate change. Carpooling with a co-worker can help you by splitting the cost of gas, reduce traffic, and even help save our environment. Switching to an eco-friendly vehicle is also another great way to decrease the environmental effect of driving.

YOU Can Make a Difference

Educate friends and family on the value of our natural resources, volunteer for cleanups in your community, plant a tree and choose sustainability. We all can do our part by getting involved in saving our planet.